All the latest news and events from the Fund

Events for the Children's Day at the Center of Oncology named after N.N.Blokhin and the Z.A. Children City Clinical Hospital named after Z.A.Bashlyaeva

The «Humanitarian World» Fund team will help to organize events that will be held on Children's Day, June 1, 2022. On this day, we help the teams of two medical institutions to make a holiday for young patients and their parents.
A concert will be held at the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N.Blokhin. Popular Russian performers will take part in it: Maxim Lidov, Janet, Marie Carne, Nina Dillon, Alexander Dobronravov, Juliana Rogacheva and others.
And in the Children City Clinical Hospital named after Z.A.Bashlyaeva, the 5th Annual Festival «Children's Health and Safety» will be held. The festive program is designed for the whole day. Performances of choreographic and vocal children's groups, master classes, cynologists with friendly dogs, surprises from the «Night Wolves» bike club – there will be everything to make the day interesting and joyful for the kids. Favorite Russian artists will also perform on the concert stage: Marina Devyatova, Polina Klinnikova, Dmitry Murin, Igor Kornilov, Vladimir Levkin and others.
The winners and participants of the International music festival «Road to Yalta»–2022 from India, Korea, Cuba, Indonesia, China, Syria and Brazil will join the Russian performers both at the National Medical Research Center of Oncology and the Children City Clinical Hospital.
2022-05-27 17:07